Walk 10 Minutes And Knock 16 Years Off Your Biological Age
By Mirandra Larbi

Just 10 minutes of brisk walking is enough to de-age your body. But what does that actually mean?

Discovering Mysterious Bhutan: "The Land Of The Thunder Dragon"
By Keith Clarke

For us, Bhutan wasn’t just a vacation spot—it was a chance to step into a world that prioritizes happiness, culture and environmental preservation.

"Goodbye Old.
Hello Bold!"

A Joyful Leap Into a World Of New Possibilities As We Age

By J.J. Hubal

This inspiring, highly entertaining book is written in a unique style combining fun words and comic book art to drive home the point that you're never too old to try something new.

"How I Survived a
Traumatic Brain Injury"

By Bill Moniz

This is the story about a remarkable comeback.

"On the last play of our match, I went for a ball hit to my left and while chasing it down I kicked my left leg with my right foot and fell backward.


By Larry Hayes, A050 publisher

Forget Dental Insurance. Pay Cash!

Dental insurance  hardly covers anything. Maybe you should forget dental insurance and pay cash. Some dentists will give you up to a 25% discount on dental work, especially teeth cleaning.

Get Up And Go!
Trek on nature trails, learn about different cultures, explore historic sites.

Experience new culinary flavors, connect to people with shared interests and stay healthy with Bay Area Older Adults.

To learn more, visit bayareaolderadults.org/BAO-group-events

Healing Body and Mind in the Great Bear Rainforest"
By Don Mankin, Travel Writer

As our boat glided across Kitlope Lake, the surface gleamed like glass, reflecting the steep, thickly forested slopes that lined the shore.
We were on a weeklong adventure deep into the fjords of the northern coast of British Columbia, one of the most beautiful places on earth.

'Tis The Season And All That Money Stuff
--Evelyn Preston, Money Lady

Resolve to revisit your money mindset along with year-end investments. Then decide to change or stay the course that will see you through to many Happy New Years ahead.

Time Does Not
Stand Still

Life is a task that we do ourselves every day.

When you look... it's already six in the afternoon; when you look...it's already Friday.
When one looks...the month is over; when one looks...the year is over; when one looks...50, 60, 70 and 80 years have passed!


Independent Senior Living
Starting $3,400

Senior living doesn’t get any better than Chateau-Cupertino in Cupertino, CA.
Schedule A Tour Today!
Emai: MarieLouise@chateau-Cupertino.com

Being “Old” Is When You Think You Are
--Ardith Bowman

“I just never thought I was old.”
This is the wisdom shared by many older adults over 90. They say they don’t and never have considered themselves to be old. They really do not feel old, so why act that way?

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